Welcome to Year 1
“See what amazing love the Father has given us!
Because of it, we are called children of God.
And that’s what we really are!”
(1 John 3:1)
We have lots of exciting things for you to experience this year. We hope you will enjoy your year with us, we can't wait to explore, learn and grow together.
Inspirational Day
Special Visitors
Our Nativity
Everyone Loves A Baby: Part 2
Everyone Loves A Baby: Part 1
Christmas Celebrations
Star Bakers
PSCO Visit
Remembrance Day
Year 1 used their collage skills to create collage poppies. The purple poppy is a symbol of remembrance for animals that served during wartime. Animals such as dogs, horses and even pigeons served in armies.
Abbey House Museum
Year 1 enjoyed a trip on the school minibus this week when they visited Abbey House Museum to bring their history topic to life.. They had a wonderful time learning all about toys, past and present. After lunch they were able to explore the museum to find out what life was like in Victorian Leeds.
Roll a Picasso
Our Bodies
In science we have been learning all about our bodies. We had lots of fun drawing an outline and then labelling our body parts.
Fun at the beach
Visit to the Allotment
Police Visit
Fun Run
Sports Day
Virgin Money
Praying the Rosary
Viking Long Boats
Celebrating the Coronation!
Year 1 had lots of fun celebrating the coronation of King Charles III.
Our Family Tree
As an introduction to looking at the Royal family we decided to investigate our own family tree. The task was set as homework and the children were given an opportunity to use their creativity when producing their tree. Look at how fantastic they are!.
Inspirational Day
Today the children swapped their normal uniform to come dressed as someone who inspires them. The costumes were fantastic and we had a wonderful day sharing lots of information about the people we admire.
Our Christmas Party
The Gunpowder Plot
Year 1 enjoyed retelling the story of the Gunpowder plot using our puppet theatre. They even treated Mrs Hill and Year R to a performance and were able to answer lots of questions about Guy Fawkes and his plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Exploring our school
Aerial Plans
Finding our school
Remembrance Day
Toys from the past
Our Senses
Praying the Rosary
On 18th October Year 1 joined one million children around the world to pray the Rosary for peace and unity in the world. In preparation, the children enjoyed making their own Rosary ring using pipe cleaners and beads. We then gathered around our altar to pray to Mary, our mother.
Colour and Pattern
.As part of our portrait topic in art we are learning how to use paint to create a background. We began by exploring colour and using a range of brush strokes to sweep and dab the paint across our paper.
In Art we are learning all about 'Portraits. We began by looking at our facial features and talked about how we are all different. We then used a mirror and sketching pencils to produce a self portrait.
Abbey House Museum
Year 1 enjoyed a trip on the school minibus this week when they visited Abbey House Museum to bring their history topic to life.. They had a wonderful time seeing and learning all about toys, past and present. After lunch they were able to explore Kirkstall Abbey and even found time to enjoy the playground.
Exploring Sounds
Year 1 enjoyed exploring a variety of instruments in class today. We talked about how to make sounds using the instruments and then played a game to make loud and quiet sounds.
Our Bodies
In science we have been learning all about our bodies. We had lots of fun drawing an outline and then labelling our body parts.
Mark Making
Year 1 enjoyed exploring 'line' in their sketch books today by making lots of different marks.
Our 1st Week
Year 1 made a great start to their new school year. They enjoyed exploring equipment, playing phonics games, counting and writing about themselves.
A new start!
Year 1 Class
Academic Year 2021-2022
For God, nothing shall be impossible'
Luke 1:37
Welcome to our Year 1 class page!
We have many exciting things for you to experience this year. We hope you will enjoy your year with us, we can't wait to explore, learn and grow together.
Recycled Wellies
Home Learning inspired by Andy Goldsworthy
Exploring Andy Goldsworthy
Colour Mixing
Playing shop
Planting Cress
Allotment Visit
Samba Drumming
Cannon Hall Farm
Sports Day
Nature Walk
Clay Sculptures
Sketching Trees
Jubilee Assembly
Year 1 worked extremely hard learning our song and dance for the Platinum Jubilee assembly on Tuesday. The children dressed up in 1970's style and presented lots of interesting facts about different events that had occurred during the 1970's. We hope you enjoy watching our video below!
Royal Baking!
The royal bakers were hard at work today preparing scones fit for a Queen! Mrs Morgan and Mrs Woolley kindly came into school and helped the children weigh, mix, knead, cut, glaze and bake the scones. The children had lots of fun and and enjoyed eating the delicious scones.
Jubilee Banner
In order to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee all the children in school were given a square of material and asked to create an image to mark this very special event. Year 1 used paint, collage materials, pens and lots of artistic talent to produce a truly spectacular Jubilee banner.
Our Family Tree
As an introduction to looking at the Queen's family we decided to investigate our own family tree. The task was set as homework and the children were given an opportunity to use their creativity when producing their tree. Look at how fantastic they are!
Today the children were treated to a zoom visit from the author and illustrator of the fantastic Unipiggle series, Hannah Shaw. Year 1 listened with interest as Hannah described each of the characters in her books and then followed her instructions to draw their very own pig. The children then had an opportunity to ask Hannah lots of interesting questions.
Recycled Art
The children worked together to produce a wonderful piece of art using bottle tops to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The final piece can be seen proudly displayed in our school playground.
Royal Timelines
In History we have been developing our understanding of chronology and interpreting historical sources. We looked a different photographs of Queen Elizabeth II and worked with a partner to produced a timeline of the Queen's life.
Royal Portraits
After looking at different portraits of Queen Elizabeth II we decided to set about painting our own! We used lots of different colours to capture her image. We then prepared a wash to mount our portraits onto. We think the portraits are fit for a Queen!
The children used a mix of their artistic and computer skills today to produce a very special invitation to our royal garden party.
Design and Technology
In preparation for our jubilee celebrations we designed and made our very own Platinum Jubilee bunting. We began by looking at a range of bunting and then draw our designs onto a template. it was then time to thread our needles and get sewing! we cannot wait to hang our bunting for our celebration.
Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth
Year 1 produced some wonderful birthday cards to send to Queen Elizabeth II. They wrote a special message inside to wish her happy 96th birthday. We hope she likes them!
St George's Day
Year 1 enjoyed dressing in red today to celebrate St George's Day. we learnt all about St George and then used our cutting and sticking skills to produce a knight.
FOSU Easter Egg Hunt!
Year 5 joined us for a fun morning hunting eggs and making Easter crosses.
After doing lots of wonderful research at home about Captain Lawrence Oates, Year 1 made a timeline showing the journey Captain Oates and his fellow explorers made to the South Pole.
Mosaic Landscapes
The children enjoyed creating a mosaic landscape using various colours and textures.
The Easter Story
The children used their artistic skills today to help retell the Easter story. They each made a model of the last supper showing Jesus sat with his twelve disciples. Then they made a beautiful Easter cross by simply folding and tearing the paper.
Palm Sunday
Year 1 enjoyed listening to the story of Palm Sunday and made their own palm leaf. They waved the leaves and shouted "Hosanna, Hosanna" to welcome Jesus.
Adjectives and Nouns
The children had lots of fun investigating different words. They worked together to sort the words into nouns and adjectives.
Our Local Area
Today Year 1 ventured out of class and into our local area. We used our map skills to follow a planned route and made a list of features we could see. We also had lots of fun at the park and enjoyed a sketching lesson from Adelina.
A visit from an artist!
Year 1 were super excited today when Otto's mummy Adelina came into class to share all her wonderful talents and skills. We learnt how to hold a sketching pencil, how to draw different shaped objects and how to use different shades to show position. We also got to ask Adelina lots of interesting questions about her love of art.
The Good Samaritan
Today we listened to the story Jesus told about the good Samaritan. We talked about what being a good neighbour means and then had fun acting out the story.
Praying for Peace
We gathered together to pray for peace in our world.
Colourful Landscapes
In today's lesson the children were learning about the Neo-Impressionist artist, Jean Metzinger. They used squared paper to draw a mosaic-style colourful landscape.
St Patrick's Day
Year 1 were busy making Irish flap jacks to celebrate St Patrick's Day. They put their measuring skills to good use by measuring the ingredients and then enjoyed mixing, baking and decorating! They enjoyed eating them in the fresh air!
St Patrick's Day Parade
Lots of fun was had today at the St Patrick's Day Parade. The children and parents enjoyed decorating the float and waved to the people of Leeds as we passed by.
Building Bridges
Shrove Tuesday
We learnt all about Shrove Tuesday today. We enjoyed measuring and mixing. Our favourite part was choosing our topping and eating our delicious pancakes.
Come Dine at St Urban's
Year 1 put their detective skills to the test today by looking at the clues and trying to guess the book. Can you guess?
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day we dressed as our favourite book character. We talked about our character and played 'guess the book'.
Comparing number sentences
The children used lots of mathematical language and symbols to compare number sentences. They enjoyed working with a partner to compare numbers that are greater than, less than and equal to.
Year 1 demonstrated fantastic art skills today by using colour and texture to create a landscape painting. We looked at work by Monet and learnt about a group of artists who became known as the Impressionists.
Is it waterproof?
We put our new scientific skills to good use today by helping to design a new umbrella for Teddy. First we tested each material to check if it was waterproof. Then we recorded our findings by making a collage umbrella. Teddy was very pleased with his new umbrella!
Investigating materials!
We continued our material investigation by exploring the properties of different materials. We worked together to test if the material could bend, bounce, twist, soak up water or be squashed.
Material Hunt!
We explored our school building and grounds to find lots of different materials. We then sorted the materials and used scientific vocabulary to describe their properties.
Year 1 were reflecting upon what it means to be baptised. We looked at photographs of our own baptism and then enjoyed some role play.
Building a church!
Year 1 have been investigating churches. We made lists of the different features you would see both inside and outside a church and then set about making some fantastic models using Lego. Can you recognise the different features?
Programming a robot!
The children put their computing and writing skills to the test by writing an algorithm to program our sandwich making robots in class. The robots made some delicious sandwiches!
The Presentation
Today we listened to the story of when Jesus was presented in the Temple. We reflected upon how Mary and Joseph would have felt and we gave thanks for Jesus.
Happy New Year!
We have been learning about Chinese New Year. We followed instructions to make a colourful dragon.
Today we investigated different sounds. We explored lots of different instruments and played 'Guess the sound' game.
We enjoyed playing some maths and phonics games whilst we were improving our mouse control.
Year 1 had lots of fun working with a partner to create a dance sequence based upon The Jungle Book.
Inspirational People
On Tuesday 11th January we all chose an inspirational person to dress up as for the day . We thought about why they are an inspirational person and shared our research with our class mates.
Can you identify who we are ?
Today we joined with the whole school to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany together.
Christmas Activities