0113 293 4477

Tongue Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 4QD


The Catholic Life of our School

Jubilee Banner

In February, Fr Chris came to school to celebrate Mass with us.

Before Mass began, we received the Jubilee Schools' Banner from staff and pupil representatives of St Paul’s Catholic Primary School in Alwoodley. They stayed to celebrate Mass with us too.

This Jubilee Banner, created by the Diocese of Leeds Education Vicariate, is travelling across the Diocese to every single Diocesan School – 93 in all – Primary Schools, High Schools, Notre Dame Sixth Form College, Special Schools and Leeds Trinity University. Each establishment is asked to add their school logo to the Banner canvas.

Our task, on on the next day, was to deliver the Banner to Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School next door.  Our 19 Faith in Action Leaders from Years 5 and 6, along with accompanying staff, made the short journey to Cardinal Heenan school to deliver the Banner to their community and participate in Mass with them too.

Jubilee Prayer Stations

Over two days in January, all of the children in school, along with staff, experienced each of the Jubilee Prayer Stations – facilitated and set up in our library and computer suite by Mr Masley and Mrs Bates.

Then, on the second day after school, our Faith In Action Leaders and their parents where possible came together at each of the Jubilee of Hope prayer stations and took time to experience the peace, tranquility and time for reflection that these stations provided.

The children – every single one of them – were tremendous in their attitude towards everything they experienced over the last 2-3 days. Their growing spirituality, maturity and insights are a delight to witness. The many comments on their experience included words such as, calm, peaceful, thoughtful.

Thank you to Mr Masley and Mrs Bates for bringing the Jubilee Prayer Stations to our school.

Jubilee Year - Mark 10 Mission

In January, six of our Faith in Action group joined with similar groups from across the Trust at St Paul's. There, the children learned more about leading Collective Worship from Greg Finn from the Mark 10 Mission.

The children were amazing throughout and learned so much. Hopefully, they will put in action what they have learned over the coming weeks.
Thank you to St Paul's for the invitation.

Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

In January, we launched our Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope.

Our pupils heard about Pope Francis’ invitation to the global Church to journey together as pilgrims of hope. We heard also, Cardinal Vincent Nichol’s direct invitation to all school children and staff. We learned that the six jubilee themes are: care for creation, food poverty, modern slavery, managing debt, forgiveness and rest. We thought about our own understanding of what hope is, how we can participate fully in this Jubilee year and the symbols of hope in our lives. Daisy in Year 2 made this lovely rainbow – a nature’s symbol of hope – from Hama beads; thank you, Daisy, this is beautiful.

Year 6 Stay and Pray

In the Spring Term, Year 6 started their 'Stay and Pray' on Wednesday mornings by inviting their families to their weekly pupil-led Collective Worship.

In groups, the children independently put together and lead a act of collective worship, trying to give everyone the opportunity to encounter God and to come away with a mission, to be like Jesus or to be with Jesus.

Our first group this term led us through an excellent collective worship, allowing us the chance to encounter God and invited us to think about how we could be closer to Jesus during the coming week.

Thank you to those who are able to join us.


At the end of the Autumn Term, we brought our Advent season in school to a close as we gathered as a whole school to sing carols and say prayers around the Crib and Christmas tree. Afterwards, some of our pupils took time in small groups to sit around the Crib and pray quietly. Thank you everyone for sharing this special time together.

Carol Service

Thank you so much to those who joined us at our Carol Service in December. It is wonderful to be able to gather together as a whole school family to focus our attention on the real meaning of the wonderful celebration of Christmas. Thank you to our children for their superb participation - whether part of the Tableau, reading, playing musical instruments or producing the lovely singing. You all did yourselves very proud and in such a reverent and sensitive manner. Thank you too, to staff who helped in guiding the children.


Congratulations to our young people in Year 6 who received the Sacrament of Confirmation, conferred by Bishop Marcus, on Wednesday this week. We pray that this important step that they have taken enables them to continue to live lives of truth, honesty and justice and that their faith in, and love for, God will grow and develop into adulthood, bearing witness to God’s love for all. Well done to you all.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Many thanks to Father Chris for coming in to school and giving the children in Year 6 to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before their Confirmation and to the children in Years 4 and 5 for giving them the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament during Advent.



First Sunday in Advent

Thank you so much to those who were able to be part of our School/Parish Family Mass on the First Sunday of Advent. Well done to those involved: the children who played and sang with us – Lucy, Florence and Esme, and to the readers who did a wonderful job, despite having no microphones or public address system to help them. We offer gratitude too, to Mrs. Dobson for making 9 wonderful Advent Wreaths for use across school and in the Children’s Liturgy. Thank you to Fr Chris for blessing the wreaths and leading us in this special Mass.


Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion

We heartily congratulate Prevail who received for the first time, the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion in November. It was lovely to see some of Prevail’s classmates who had come to support him and celebrate with him. This was a special day for Prevail and his family and we ask for God’s continued blessing upon them all.


October Rosary Challenge with the Mark 10 Mission

Each school day during October, the children prayed a decade of the Rosary, led by the Mark 10 Mission. Each video was filmed on pilgrimage in Lourdes and focuses on one of the twenty different Mysteries of the Rosary. The children have been so wonderful, reverential and reflective throughout the month.


Thank you so much to the large number who were able to join us at our School and Parish Harvest Mass in Church in October. It was wonderful to see so many there and we are so grateful to have our singing group and musicians with us on these occasions.

Thank you as well for contributing donations for CAFOD’s Harvest Family Fast Day via the envelopes, and for the tremendous generosity in donating tins and other food items. Thank you too to our ‘delivery team’ for delivering the goods to the St Vincent De Paul Centre off the York Road. The receiving team of volunteers were so grateful.

Year 5 Stay and Pray

Every week, on Wednesday, Year 5 invite their parents and/or grandparents to ‘Stay and Pray;’ a different group of children in class each week prepare the Celebration of the Word – display (focal point), music, Gospel or other Bible Reading, reflection and prayers, all rounded off with a hymn.

It is such a wonderful thing to witness our children’s growing spirituality and faith and parents who are able to come feel very proud indeed of their children.

Mr Teggart, one of our school governors, visited Year 5 this week to stay for their morning collective worship. This is what he wrote: ‘I had the pleasure and privilege of joining Mrs Shaw and Year 5 recently for their ‘Stay and Pray’ along with other parents. A group of 5 children had planned and then delivered a very thoughtful and prayerful session including a Gospel reading which the group explained in their own words very simply and beautifully. The rest of the class and the adults were asked to write down their own thoughts on how they could demonstrate God’s love to others; my favourite suggestion was, “smile at others.” Thank you, children, for a very moving and peaceful ‘Stay and Pray;’ parents and grandparents, join them if you can.’

Thank you too, to Mr Teggart, for joining the class for this and for sharing your experience with us.

Season of Creation

In September during a Celebration Assembly, we learnt about the special time of year called the Season of Creation. The Season of Creation is the period from 1st September to 4th October (Feast of St Francis of Assisi) This season is dedicated to prayer and action for the protection of creation.

It is a time to renew our relationships with God our Creator, and with all creation, as we join together in prayer. We give thanks for all that God has made; we try to take action to put right the damage that we have caused’ we commit ourselves to take action to protect the earth our common home.

Thank you, Esme, for voluntarily highlighting these messages to us in this lovely piece of artwork.

We pray for the world we live in: that God may open our eyes to recognise the goodness of all creation and help us to do what we can to restore and care for the wonderful gift that we have been given. Amen.

Father Gerard

Thank you to Father Gerard for providing us with the opportunity of celebrating Mass together in school this morning.

During Mass we prayed for blessings upon him as he takes up his new appointment, and we prayed for Mrs. Boam and Mrs. Bolton who are retiring from school life when we finish for the summer break.

Our Year 6 children too were remembered; a celebration Leavers’ Assembly takes place for them in the last week of term.

We give thanks to God for the great blessing of these people in our lives and pray that each will be blessed with health, happiness and peace as they begin new chapters in their lives.

Thank you to the parents, grandparents and governors who joined us for this occasion.

Bishop Marcus has appointed Father Gerard to preside over the Parishes of St. Aelred’s in Harrogate and St. Mary’s in Knaresborough from the beginning of August.

This was very sad news for us here; we shall miss him very much indeed. He has supported so many on the faith (and Sacramental) journeys; he has made our Parish Churches beautiful places to worship in; and he has given prayerful and practical support, not least throughout the relatively recent COVID times.

One cannot have failed to recognise and appreciate his real humanity and understanding of people; his wit, humour, and love of fun; and his wise and thought-provoking words every Sunday at Mass.

We have been blessed these last seven years, and we know that God’s blessing will go with him too, as he makes the move to Harrogate/Knaresborough to continue in his Ministry and in service to God and the Church.

Thank you to Father Gerard, for all he has brought and given to us. We pray that his reward for serving our community so well over the years will be a great welcome, with lasting happiness and fulfilment in his new Parishes – may God bless and look after him.

May - Month of Mary

Thank you to the Year 6 Faith in Action group for leading us in the praying of a decade of the Rosary at lunchtime twice each week during the month of May.

Thank you also to Eleanor in Year who has produced this beautiful stained glass window art piece of Mary.

Mary Queen of peace, pray for us.


Thank you so much to those who joined us for our school Mass at Church on the Feast of Pentecost. You helped to make this a truly uplifting and wonderful celebration at Pentecost.

Thank you to Ronan for joining the musicians to play his violin, and to the singers: Michael, Eliza and Prevail, all from Year 5, and everyone who raised their voices across the Church. Your presence, contribution and commitment to singing and producing the music for Mass was, and is, appreciated very much.

Below is a picture of Year celebrating Pentecost in school.

First Holy Communion

Following the celebration of their First Holy Communion over the previous two Saturdays, Year 4 came together as one to celebrate.

The day in school started with a beautiful whole school mass celebrated by us all with Fr. Gerard. Year 4 chose the hymns, wrote the bidding prayers and laid posies at the statue of Our Lady, as well as receiving the Eucharist with reverence.

Our thanks to Fr. Gerard for his guidance and time with the children, and for the beautiful Masses.

Thank you too, to the staff for their attendance and, as such, for giving witness to their faith. Thank you in particular to Mrs Shaw and Mrs Englefield for conducting the musicians  whose developing musical skills are so pleasing to hear and see and thank you to Mrs Dobson for the flower posies for the statue of Mary.

Our prayer, for all of our children, is that they will make a sincere and lasting commitment to receiving the Body of Christ as regularly as possible, and that they will continue to grow in faith over the years to come.

Palm Sunday Mass

Thank you so much to those at Mass last Sunday, to the children for participation in the procession of palms and the musicians and singers who helped to make this a beautiful celebration of Mass together as we enter Holy Week – Passiontide.



Lenten Fundraising

Lent, as we know, is a period of reflection, of reconciliation, of prayer, fasting and alms-giving (works of love through fundraising).

Bishop Marcus traditionally asks all schools to help raise money for the Good Shepherd Fund (Catholic Care) every Lent. We did this through holding our usual Easter Egg raffle, through our ‘Decorate an egg’ competition and other class initiatives.

We decided also, crucially, to raise money for the Little Sisters of the Poor since the devastating news about Mount St Joseph’s Care Home. We did this primarily through a ‘Sponsored Spring Sprint’ once more and raised over £3,400!

Some children asked if they could also raise money. Charlie brought together lots of his pre-loved items such as books, toys and fancy dress costumes, to raise money for the Little Sister’s fund. Alyssa – with the help of Tyra – for organising and running her ‘Guess how many sweets in the jar’ competition. Hannah W, Emmie, Cleo and Emilia decided to have a class cake sale as did Joey, Ewan and Bertie. Esme and her family for baked and sold buns and chocolate lollies to Year 4 and others in KS2 while Neytiri sold her homemade bookmarks Well done to you all – we are so proud of you!

We are immensely proud of our children’s natural desire to help others in need. We thank them and congratulate them on their tremendous efforts – we thank their parents too for supporting and assisting them.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

On Wednesday 13th March at St Urban’s Church, children in Year 3 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during a prayerful and reflective service.

During the next week, Fr. Gerard was in school to offer the Sacrament to our Year 4, 5 and 6 children. We are grateful to him for this opportunity during Lent.

First Sunday of Lent

Thank you to those who were able to join us for Mass on the 1st Sunday of Lent. Our special thanks go to the wonderful readers, to those part in the Offertory procession, and to the musicians led by Mrs Shaw. You were all terrific and we are delighted with the contribution you all made and hopefully will continue to make.

Leeds Cathedral Choir - Choral Vespers live on BBC Radio 3

At the end of January, the Senior Boys, Senior Girls, Schools Scholars and Choral Scholars of Leeds Cathedral Choir joined forces in a broadcast of Choral Vespers live from Leeds Cathedral on BBC Radio 3.

Two of our very own pupils were among the performers. Congratulations and well done to the boys for playing a valued part in these broadcasts. The music and singing were beautiful – first class.


In December, the Faith in Action group visited Sacred Heart School with some pupils from Immaculate Heart to take part in an Advent Reflection. The children had time to stop and think, play and pray, gaining insight into how to best get prepared during Advent for Christmas. Every member of the group was an excellent ambassador for St Urban’s. Many thanks to Sacred Heart for inviting us.

Harvest donations to the SVP

Thank you, once again, for your generous donations of tins and packet food. All of this was taken to St Vincent’s (off the York Road in Leeds) this week to be used to help those living in food poverty in Leeds and be distributed across the city. 

Alicia and Isla B, from our Faith In Action Group, accompanied Mrs McDonagh, Mrs Dobson and Miss McStay down to St Vincent’s on Tuesday. Pictured is only a fraction of the food sent in to us in school, and from St. Jeanne Jugan Parishioners at our Mass together with Sacred Heart School last Sunday 8th October, 2023.

The Staff at St. Vincent’s have invited all of our Faith In Action group back sometime over the next term to have a talk about food poverty. This will undoubtedly teach us a lot about how to value what we have, help those who don’t have much, and learn the importance of reaching out and accepting help when it is needed.

Our Parish Priest, Fr. Gerard Kearney

Virtues to Live By:

Signs of Success

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RE Newsletters 2024-2025

 2024 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2025 Spring Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2025 Spring Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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RE Newsletters 2023-2024

 2023 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2023 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Spring Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Spring Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Summer Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Summer Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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Virtue Statements

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