Welcome to Year 2
Do everything in love.
Corinthians 16:14
Here you will find out about all the great things we have been up to at school.
We hope your children have an enjoyable year of learning and growing together.
EThe Brownlee Foundation visit St Urban's.
.A team from the Brownlee Foundation came into school to work with the children on some Triathlon training sessions just like the Brownlee brothers . The children were given the challenge of beating the distance the Brownlee brothers train. The children successfully beat the training distance and were encouraged to make use of the Brownlee Centre. The children all loved their free goodie bag !
Year 2 Class Page
Academic Year 2023 - 24
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32
Welcome to the Year 2 class page. Here you will discover all about what we have been up to as a school community. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask.
We put on our running shoes (and ears) to take part in the Spring Sprint in order to raise some money for our Lenten appeal.
We visited Eccup Whin to take part in some pond dipping and learnt lots about the woodland thanks to David our expert Park and Countryside Ranger from Leeds City Council.
We had a fantastic time dressing up for World Book Day as well sharing stories with some of our grown ups.
Katie from Leeds Skipping School taught us the basics for our skipping competition in the Summer.
Designing, sculpting and painting our clay Miro inspired heads.
Everyone Loves A Baby: Part 2
Everyone Loves A Baby: Part 1
Our latest TT Rockstars 'Battle of the Bands' top performers!
We ventured out into the prayer garden to explore microhabitats and discover some minibeasts.
Year 4 treated us to a visit in order to read some of the stories they had created after reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
We took inspiration from our Science work on animals and their habitats to create some animal portrait sketches in Art.
Our latest TT Rockstars 'Battle of the Bands' top performers!
We thought about Mary in this special month of October. After praying the Rosary, we wrote her some special prayers of our own.
In Science we classified animals by the different habitats they can be found in.
Our latest TT Rockstars 'Battle of the Bands' top performers!
We had our dancing shoes on and enjoyed the KS1 Autumn Disco.
Mr Beaumont's Australian cousin came to talk to us about instruction texts. He also tried to help us make some jam sandwiches. Unfortunately, he wasn't very helpful.
We were working hard in P.E with Matt from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation.
In Maths we worked hard on our place value knowledge and used base 10 to represent two-digit numbers.
Academic Year 2022 - 23
we were visited by the Police today. Thankfully, nobody was arrested.
Enjoying being active at Sports Day.
Leeds Skipping Festival Champions 2023!
Year 2 enjoying Meanwood Park as a reward for all of their hard work during SATs.
We let Mr Beaumont have a break and taught each other all about the ‘Big Five’ you could encounter in Kenya
We explored and evaluated different fabrics as part of our DT work.
We enjoyed finding a new book to read from the St Urban’s Reading Club book sale.
Here we are practising some throwing and catching skills with Ellie from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation.
Don’t be too scared! Here we are in our spooky Halloween costumes ready for the Halloween Disco.
In Science we continued our work on animals and habitats by discussing and creating some food chains.
We visited Moortown library and enjoyed looking at and reading a wide range of books.
Enjoying a Mastery of Maths session with our rekenreks.
After taking part in the One Million Children Praying the Rosary initiative, we thought about Mary in her special month and wrote to her our prayers and intentions
We went to explore the microhabitats right here in our school grounds. There were many minibeasts to discover!
Mr Beaumont's Australian cousin came to talk about instruction tests help us make some jam sandwiches. Unfortunately, he wasn't very helpful.
We worked hard on our place value knowledge, using base 10 to represent two-digit numbers.
We thought about imperative verbs to use in our instruction writing by miming out some actions.
We created some coastal scenery paintings to inspire us ready for our work about the Seaside.
To start our Science work about Animals & Habitats we looked at whether things were living, dead or never alive.
We thought about the primary colours and tried to replicate the work of Piet Mondrian.