0113 293 4477

Tongue Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 4QD


Year 4 Class Page

2024 - 25

”I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (John 14:6)

Welcome to our new academic year. Here you will be able to see some of the interesting things we have been doing as a class.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Mr Beaumont and Mrs. Dobson

Carlton, Blazej, Emmie and Ottilie leading us in our Collective Worship this week.

Aidan, Olivia and Otto leading us in our Collective Worship. 

We combined History and Art to create some Viking shields. Although, we used paper plates rather than the ideal, Nordic choice of lindenwood.

Rory, Oscar and Hannah leading us in our collective worship. 

Mr Beckwith led us in our melodica performance to the rest of the school.

Ewan, Emilia, Neytiri and Oliver leading us in our Collective Worship.

We made model volcanoes from paper maché and mod-roc then demonstrating how they erupt!

A very interesting and informative visit to the Bradford Mandir to learn first-hand about Hinduism.

Our latest TTRockstars best performers from the Battle of the Bands. 

Robin, Joey, Ariana and Gabby leading us in our class Collective Worship. 

Our Geography work on Western Europe led us to the kitchen. Mrs Dobson expertly guided us in baking some Danish apple cake. It was delicious!

We tried our best as we took part in the Beat the Brownlee Brothers Challenge. Overall we completed 39km as a class. 

In R.E we looked at the life of Moses and the faith he had in God. We designed some booklets and then read our stories to Year R. 

As part of our work on the digestive system we tried to create a representation of the processes that take place from when we first consume food to the final point when waste is excreted from our body. 

Continuing our architectural theme in Art, we studied street artist David Zinn and his use of small, everyday parts of the buildings and urban world around us. 

 Our latest TTRockstars Battle of the Bands best performers. Well done!

Katie from Leeds Skipping School came to deliver a skipping workshop in preparation for the Year 4 skipping festival in Spring. 

In Science we are studying the digestive system. The stop along the route that our food takes is our mouth. We used mirrors to see if we could identify the different types of teeth in our mouth and the role they play. 

In Art we looked at the work of Irish artist Sean Scully and tried to replicate some of it using oil pastels.

In Maths we used the base ten to consolidate our learning on place value to 1000.

We used the atlases to try and locate the countries and capitals of Western Europe as part of our Geography work. 

Ready for the new school year.







Academic Year 2023 - 24

Photos from our trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

We had a wonderful day celebrating our First Holy Communion in school. First we had a beautiful whole school mass led by Father Gerard. This was followed by a photo shoot and conga in the playground with party games and food in the afternoon. A real day of celebration....

Hot buttered scones feature in our class novel “The Butterfly Lion.” We decided to bake some with help from Mrs Dobson. Does anything smell or taste as good as a warm scone? We don’t think so !

We had a lovely morning for the Spring Sprint. Everyone did a fantastic job, running enthusiastically and cheering others on. The bunny ears all looked fantastic! Thank you for all your generous sponsorship.

Year 4 had a fantastic morning at the Skipping Competition at Cardinal Heenan. Well done to everyone for taking part and for doing so well!

As well as the excitement of World Book Day, we also had a visit from D:Side Dave about Internet safety. He talked to us about the importance of age ratings on games and about being careful about anything we share online.

The children loved dressing as a word today to celebrate World Book Day. We had great fun creating a story from our words. A big thank you to the lovely adults who came in to class to share a book.

Viking Day - Year 4 had a great day finding out about Viking life. We learnt about Viking farming, games, families, crafts, vocabulary, stories and combat.

Inspirational People Day - it was great to see so many fantastic outfits and hear about so many amazing people!

Thank-you so much children and parents for the beautiful flowers,gifts, cards and good wishes. I am so sorry that I cannot be here after half-term, but I am so pleased that Y4 will be in the capable hands of Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Dobson.

We wrote some stories inspired by "The Iron Man." We had a wonderful time sharing our published stories with Reception, Y1 and Y2.

As part of our Science work about teeth, we were lucky enough to have a visit from  Aaeesha's mum, Naazma, who is a dentist.

We had fun making apple crumbles with homegrown apples. It was even better tasting them afterwards!

We had a great time when Katie from Skipping School taught us some new techniques.

Year 4 2022 -23 -lots of fun and learning to look back on...

Sports day fun...

Look at these fantastic models and games made for our Ancient Egyptian learning log. Fantastic written work as well in books and on Google classroom.

As part of our learning about Ancient Egypt, we researched a topic we were interested in, produced a poster with a group and then presented it to the rest of the class.

Coronation celebrations

Playing the National Anthem on the melodica for King Charles III.

Thanks to Denim and Tom from Leeds 10 who gave us a lesson in skateboarding techniques. We all loved it!

Some cast photos from our very successful Y3/4 production of "Dragon Days." Lots of talent and hard work on display!

More Easter fun - a treasure hunt with Y2 organised by FOSU  and a decorate an egg competition.


.           Lots of Easter bunnies at our sponsored spring sprint!

It was more like the Swiss alps than Leeds this morning at St. Urban's! Lots of fun in the snow!

Year 4 had a wonderful morning at the Catholic diocesan schools skipping festival. As well as being great ambassadors for St. Urban's and having lots of fun, we came away with three gold, five silver and five bronze certificates out of sixteen events. Very well done Year 4!

On World Book Day Year 4 showed super imaginative creativity, when dressing as a word. Very well done everyone!

When Mr. Jamieson came into class we learned a lot about his work for the National Grid, as well as about electricity. Did you know that fruit and vegetables can generate an electrical charge?

We had a great time developing our skipping skills with Katie from skipping school.

Hallowe'en fun!

Seasonal cooking with some home grown apples - and no sugar!

Settling in well in September.

Year 4 class page 2021 -22

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," (John 14:6)

Welcome to Year 4

On this page you will be able to see some of the interesting and exciting things we have been doing in class.

Our days to come to school in P.E. kit are Monday and  Friday.

Swimming at Holt Park starts on Mondays from January.

Spelling test on Tuesdays.

Tables test Fridays. 

See a copy of our current timetable below.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Boam , Mr. Stockdale and Mrs. Jones.

What a fantastic drumming workshop.Thanks Isaac!

Y10 from Cardinal Heenan invited Y4 to the high school to help design some recycling posters. Reduce, reuse, recycle everyone!

Lots of sporting skills on display at Sports day. We were so lucky with the weather too.

Year  4 had an exciting opportunity to learn some archery skills. In the sunshine.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park - 14th June 2022

We really enjoyed our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park where we got to see lots of animals such as lions, baboons  and even some dinosaurs. We had lots of fun on the playground and finished the day with an ice cream. 

Our First Holy Communion celebrations  in St. Urban's church.

.Celebrating First Holy Communion with a Communion breakfast and party.

The rain did not dampen our spirits for our jubilee street party!

 We had a great day day taking part in our whole school assembly about the the last 70 years, in celebration of the queen’s platinum jubilee. Which decade did we learn about? The 1960s of course! 

We have developed skills in historical research, chronology and looking at evidence, through our work on the queen's platinum jubilee. We also enjoyed plenty of art and craft, as well as teamwork.

Year 4 have all pledged that they will work towards cultural cohesion.

Design Technology: Exploring different kite shapes. 

What a great World Book Day. We spent the week giving each other clues about our wrapped up books and then did the great unwrap on Friday!

We enjoyed using resources from Jorvik museum to find out more about the Vikings.

Reading fairy-tales: We enjoyed having an audience for our own versions of fairy-tales today. Some excellent feedback given from Reception and Year 1!

History: We collaborated in groups to produce information posters about aspects of Viking life. We then presented our work to the rest of the class.

Science:  Did you know that you can use fruit and vegetables to make a battery?

Just one of the interesting things we learned when Mr. Jamieson came into class and told us about his work for the National Grid.


Art and History: We had lots of fun using cereal boxes to make Viking longships.

Inspirational People Day

We had scientists, authors, sports people, musicians, naturalists, dancers suffragettes and astronauts in Year 4 today . They were taught by the queen, Dusty Springfield and one of the Brownlee brothers !

Lots of fun on Christmas  jumper day. We are enjoying some Christmas activities for Enterprise week -busy hanging up our stockings and making cards.

P.E. Practising our skipping skills with Chris and Katie from Skipping School 

Music: We are really enjoying our Melodian lessons.

Science: Some very interesting discussions about where ice-cubes might melt most quickly in class . They took a lot longer to melt than we thought they would.

Our daily prayers in class. 

English: Composing and reading aloud our autumn poems.

We really enjoyed our fancy dress and disco day. 

Year 4 class page 2020-21

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him." (Romans 15:13)


Welcome to Year 4!


Our First Holy Communion celebration in school


After our photo shoot we performed a celebratory conga on the playground!

Sports Day 2021

We had a fantastic time on our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The sun shone, the polar bears pranced and the baboons bounced. Time on the play area and an ice cream helped make a fun day too. 


We enjoyed our Christmas dinner and Christmas party in class!

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