0113 293 4477

Tongue Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 4QD


Welcome to Year 5


“Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

(Luke 6:31)


Welcome to Year 5's class page.

Here, you will be able to keep up to date with the exciting things Year 5 have been up to in class. 

Mrs Shaw, Mrs Tempest and Mrs McDonagh.



World Book Day Wooden Spoons.

Well done to Esme, Oscar, Eamon, Tilly, Hannah, Aaeesha, Charlie and Nancy for decorating a wooden spoon for our World Book Day celebration! We have some very creative designs! 

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This afternoon, Y5 studied some of Van Gogh’s paintings, looking closely at the colours and texture used and the overall composition of the piece. They then produced observational drawings of plants and flowers.



Year 5 enjoyed exploring some more chemical reactions today! They created carbon dioxide, which inflated their balloon.

Year 5 enjoyed a Science lesson at CHCHS this afternoon!

They carried out two exciting experiments, exploring chemical reactions. 

Jubilee Year of Hope - Prayer Stations.

What a lovely morning Year 5 had! The children were reflective, reverent, and calm as they moved around the different prayer stations. Their responses were thoughtful and demonstrated a wonderful understanding of the importance of hope.

Ice Skating.

Year 5 had a fun session at the Ice Cube this morning. We have some very good ice-skaters in the class! 

First week of Year 5

The children have settled beautifully into Year 5 and have had a busy week learning about Roman Numerals, creating watercolour self-portraits and setting themselves targets for the year. Well done, Year 5, for a fantastic start to the new school year!

Whitby Day 3

Our last day! Today, we went on an open top bus tour of Whitby. The children really enjoyed it and learned a lot of information about the town. The children enjoyed a quick shopping trip, then another ice cream before getting on the coach for the journey home. We have had a fantastic few days together. Well done to all of the children for representing St Urban’s in such a positive light.

Whitby Day 2
A fantastic day spent at the beach! We were very lucky with the weather! We then enjoyed a tasty ice cream before the walk back to the hotel. We then went to the outdoor paddling pool before dinner and then finished with a play at Pannett Park. Lots of fun was had by all!

Whitby Day One

A fantastic first day of residential! We even saw dolphins on our walk back to the hotel this afternoon!

Grow Your £5

What a fantastic afternoon! Year 5 had some very creative ideas for their stalls and had great fun selling their goods to the school.

This morning, Year 5 had lots of fun writing on the tables whilst we practised using direct speech. The children used macaroni as the inverted commas and did a great job of correctly punctuating their sentences.

Year 5 have enjoyed planning and leading the class in Collective Worship. The groups which have led us so far have done an excellent job! It is definitely a part of the week that we all look forward to.

The children have made a wonderful start to Year 5! They have had a busy four days and have painted self-portraits, studied Roman Numerals and located Eastern European countries and their capital cities on a map. 

Take a look at the wonderful Maya temples made by some of the children in Year 5! We have also been treated to some tasty Mexican cuisine: salsa and tortilla chips and pineapple tamales. Super work, Year 5!

This morning, Year 5 worked together to create this art attack! The children brought in clothes from home and used equipment from the PE cupboard to create an image of a Year 6 child holding hands with a Reception child, to symbolise the friendships here at St Urban's. Fantastic work, Year 5!

Coronation Party!

We had lots of fun this afternoon celebrating the King's upcoming coronation.

Monday 27th March,

Take a look at the fantastic rockets some of the children chose to make as part of their Learning Log homework!

Friday 24th March.

This afternoon, Year 5 learned about the American artist Georgia O'Keefe. They then used pastels to recreate some of her work. A marvellous effort, Year 5!

Friday 24th March - The Spring Sprint!

Year 5 had lots of fun completing the Spring Sprint this morning to raise money for the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal and The Little Sisters of the Poor in Headingley, 

Thursday 16th March.

This morning, Year 5 practised the rules of direct speech and had fun writing on the tables and using macaroni for the inverted commas.

Friday 10th March.


Snow much fun was had by all today!

Friday 3rd March.


This afternoon, we were treated to a concert by a member of the class, who has just passed his Grade One exam.

Friday 3rd March ~ World Book Day 2023.

A great collection of words in Year 5 today! Well done and thank you for your creativity and effort.

Friday 3rd March.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Year 5 enjoyed teaming up with our Y1 reading buddies to share a story.

Wednesday 8th February.

This afternoon, Year 5 began their marble run. They investigated the best way to make bridges. There were some very creative designs. Great work, Year 5!

Monday 6th February.

This week is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for this week is 'Let's Connect'. This afternoon, we played a game of Let's Connect bingo and then ended our day by relaxing with yoga.

Monday 6th February.

Take a look at our 'Wonder'ful writing! We are enjoying our class novel, Wonder, and have created some fantastic pieces of writing linked to the book. Year 5 have been working hard on writing a discussion and a very emotive poem. 

Friday 20th January.

Congratulations to our three most valuable Rockers and three most valuable Rollers! A fantastic effort from the below children in our TTRS battle!

Monday 16th January.

This afternoon, Year 5 made the short walk to Cardinal Heenan for a science lesson with Mrs Whitelaw. The children were investigating states of matter and enjoyed using the Bunsen burners.

Monday 16th January.

Year 5 worked hard in PE today creating symmetrical balances with a partner. 

 Some more photographs of Year 5’s wonderful sewing!

Wednesday 11th January.

This afternoon, a group of children began work on making their phone cases with the help of Mrs Cannoli. A fantastic effort by all!

Monday 9th January.

We had a great start to our new theme, Inspirational and Infamous Individuals, today. The children made a fantastic effort dressing up as a person who inspires them and enjoyed talking about their achievements and qualities.


Friday 9th December.

This morning, Year 5 were treated to a Geography lesson from a member of our class. We learned all about Ben Nevis, a mountain which Dylan climbed during the summer. We then tried Kendal Mint Cake, which is a favourite of mountain climbers. A fantastic lesson!

29th November.

Today in Music, Year 5 began to explore rounds. We started by singing in four parts and then learned how to play London’s Burning on the glockenspiel. We then played the song in a round. Wonderful playing from Year 5!

Tuesday 22nd November.
Year 5 have been working very hard in our Choral Singing sessions. Listen to our beautiful singing of a psalm.

Tuesday 22nd November.

This afternoon, Year 5 used an atlas to locate key mountain ranges of the world.

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Tuesday 1st November.

This afternoon, we travelled to Headingley Stadium to watch the opening game of the Women’s Rugby League World Cup. It was great to watch England secure a 72-4 victory over Brazil.

Friday 21st October.

A great end to a great half term! Year 5 had a fantastic time at the disco! 

Thursday 20th October.

This afternoon, Year 5 teamed up with their Reading Buddies in Year 1 to share some stories together. 

10th October.

This morning,Year 5 enjoyed a walk in the autumn sunshine to Moor Allerton Library. Following a discussion with the librarian, the children were able to peruse the many books.

5th October.

This afternoon, Year 5 used clay to create a tile. They then used tools to create an image of a feather or a bird on their tile. A messy but fun afternoon!

22nd September.

This afternoon marked our first PE lesson with the students from Leeds Beckett University. The students are going to be leading our PE lessons for the next nine weeks , as part of the movement research we are a part of. Lots of fun had by all this afternoon!

15th October.

Look at Year 5’s wonderful drawings of birds. We are very proud of our work and rightly so! We have some very talented artists in our class.

15th September

Year 5 have been busy using an atlas to locate Eastern European countries and their capital cities.

This morning, Year 5 travelled to Leeds Beckett University for an initial assessment for the movement research we are taking part in. The children were put through their paces with planking challenges and a course, which focused on balance, speed and agility. 


Today, the children have been using photographs to create self-portraits.

Tuesday 19th July.

Ice cream was definitely needed this afternoon! 

Tuesday 19th July.

Y5 are keeping cool with our foot spas! 

Friday 8th July.

Today, Year 5 made the short trip round to the day at Cardinal Heenan High School for a taster day. The children took part in three lessons: a careers lesson, Science or English and finally PE. It was lovely to see the children making new friends with children from the local Catholic primary schools. A great day had by all! 

Thursday 7th July.

The children may have come into school very tired this morning following our residential, but after an hour of a Samba drum workshop, they were well and truly awake! The children had lots of fun playing the different instruments and, as you can see from the photos and video, they put on a great performance! Well done, Year 5!

Wednesday 6th July

The final day of our residential. We walked to Pannett Park and had a play before heading up the 199 steps. We have had a lovely few days and lots of happy memories have been made!

Tuesday 5th July

Today, we have walked to Sandsend and had great fun playing and eating ice cream! After a long walk back and a brief rest, we headed to Crazy Golf. Currently having tea before heading back out for a paddle in the splash pool. Hopefully they’ll all sleep well tonight!

Monday 4th July

A fantastic first day of residential for Y5! The children were fascinated by the birds of prey. The boat trip was great fun, too!

Monday 27th June

This afternoon, Year 5 (along with the rest of the school) took part in a Run for Fun event at Cardinal Heenan. The rain didn’t put us off and the children performed brilliantly. Great running, Year 5! 

Art - Wednesday 22nd June.

In our art lesson, we have been looking at art by the South American artist Joaquin Torres Garcia.

Torres Garcia was famous for using symbols in his artworks. His biggest influences were the artist Mondrian and ancient people such as the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Ancient people used symbols to tell stories and record information. Torres Garcia used this as a way of communicating his ideas too.

We had a lot of fun trying to work out the symbols he used and noticed many similarities between his paintings. We were inspired to create our own Picture Puzzle art, which would represent what our interests are and what symbolises us.

Keep an eye out for the finished pieces!


Sports Day 2022

A fantastic effort from all children this morning during Sports Day! 

Tuesday 24th May - Jubilee Celebrations.

Let's Get Ready to Rhumble! Well done to Year 5, who performed fantastically well in the Jubilee assembly today. The outfits were wonderful and the singing was brilliant. 

Year 5 Jubilee Assembly

Wednesday 18th May.

This morning, Y5 visited the Sikh Temple as part of our work on other faiths. We had a tour of the Gurdwara and learned the importance of looking after nature and each other. We were then treated to refreshments in their kitchen area. It was a thoroughly informative and enjoyable visit.

Monday 9th May

This morning, Year 5 worked together to create an amazing piece of art as part of our work on the Platinum Jubilee. The teamwork demonstrated was outstanding and I hope you agree that the finished piece is absolutely fantastic! Well done, Year 5!

Monday 25th April.

Today, the children visited Cardinal Heenan for a practical Science lesson with Mrs Whitelaw. They had lots of fun learning about states of matter and investigating melting. 

Friday 22nd April.

It was lovely to see a sea of red today as we celebrated St George's day.

Congratulations to the winners of our Easter Egg raffle! 

Thank you so much to all those who helped support our Lenten fundraising. 

Have a happy and holy Easter break.

Wednesday 16th March - Art.

This afternoon, Y5 looked at the art of Henri Rousseau. They learned how he was inspired by his trips to the botanical gardens in Paris and how he didn't start taking his art seriously until he was in his forties. They spent some time looking closely at "Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!)" and then created some lovely work in their sketchbooks, examining the colours Rousseau used, the shapes of the leaves and the composition of the painting.


Thursday 10th March - D:Side

DT - Monday 31st January.


Today, we looked at developing a range of practical skills to create bends. The children worked really well and learnt three new skills, which they will be able to incorporate into their own marble run design.

DT - Marbulous Structures.

 Today, we started our DT unit - Marbulous Structures. This half term we will be designing and creating our own marble runs. Today, we looked at free-standing structures and the children were tasked with creating their own free-standing structure using cardboard tubes. It was wonderful to watch the children work together as teams, sharing and testing ideas, before building their structure. 

Inspirational People.

 Year 5 enjoyed dressing up as an inspirational person for the day, They each chose someone who inspired them and researched why they are considered inspirational. Take a look through the photographs and see if you can work out who they all are!

PE - Leeds Rhinos.

This afternoon, Year 5 had their PE lesson with Leeds Rhinos. Over the next six weeks, we will be working on rugby skills. Today, the children were practicing grip and carry, running with the ball and building to passing and catching. 

Cloud Tea Monkeys.

Year 5 are studying the text Cloud Tea Monkeys in English and today spent the lesson as The Royal Tea Taster. They tasted two different teas: Darjeeling and Green Tea and then wrote a report. 

We are Cryptographers. 18th November 2021.


In this computing unit, we are learning about communicating information securely through an introduction to cryptography (the science of keeping communication and information secret). We have been  investigating early methods of communicating over distances and spent the afternoon sending messages using the Semaphore Flag Signalling System.

We are musicians! 16th November 2021.

Today, the children enjoyed learning about the C major scale and playing it on glockenspiels. They then thought carefully about which notes in the scale sounded comfortable when played together - we learned that this is called a chord. 

Remembrance Day.

 Year 5 have spent this week thinking carefully about Remembrance Day and have produced some wonderful pieces of work. Take a look at some of our blackout poems, created from the poem, In Flanders Fields, and our watercolour poppies. 

The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Year 5 have been reading The Boy at the Back of the Class. The children enjoyed doing observational drawings of pomegranates (a fruit which features in the story). As you can see, we have some wonderful artists in the class! Some children also drew an image of Ahmet, one of the main characters.

Year 5 have had a busy first week at school. The children have settled into their new class very quickly and have been enjoying Place Value activities and lots of art work. 

Thank you!

A big thank you from myself, Mrs McDonagh and Mrs Dobson for the lovely gifts we received!

We hope you have a lovely summer holiday.

The Lucky Ones.

During Year 5, we have enjoyed listening to The Dunwells, so we decided to cover one of their songs and make our own music video! I certainly consider myself to be one of the lucky ones, having taught this wonderful class for three years now and the children all realise how lucky they are to be in such a fantastic class, filled with the loveliest children.

Mayan Hot Chocolate.

In History we have been studying the Ancient Maya, so on Thursday we made some Mayan hot chocolate to enjoy whilst reading our book, The Curse of The Maya.

Oh we do like to be beside the seaside!

6th July.

Year 5 had a fantastic trip to Bridlington today. The sun was shining and we had lots of very happy children (and adults!)

Food, Glorious Food!

 5th July.

This morning, Year 5 walked to Meanwood Allotments and enjoyed a wonderful tour. We had a talk from the bee keeper, which the children found fascinating and then split into groups to look at the various allotments. The children were very lucky and were able to sample some of the produce grown. 

Year 5 class 2020-2021

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Monday 17th May,

Today, we continued with our work on Forces and spent the lesson investigating air resistance, Year 5 had lots of fun making parachutes and timing how long it took for them to fall into our sensory garden. We found out that the larger the surface area, the longer it took for the parachute to hit the ground due to the increased air resistance. 

Friday 14th May

This afternoon, Year 5 produced some lovely work in their art books. This work comes after learning about the Spanish Armada. The children spent the afternoon sketching and experimenting with different materials. They will then be producing their final piece of art next week. Well done, Year 5!

Friday 14th May.

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a cricket workshop this morning. They had great fun whilst learning new skills. 

Forces - Gravity. 

Today, Year 5 had fun learning about and investigating weight and mass. We learned about Isaac Newton and enjoyed using Newton meters to measure the force of gravity.



This afternoon, the children in Year 5 went into the sensory garden with Mrs McDonagh and dug up some of the carrots that have been growing there! They've each got a carrot (some big, some small) to take home.

Learning Logs.


Today (Monday 16th November) Year 5 were given new Learning Log titles to complete over the course of this half term. I was very impressed by the Learning Logs completed before the October half term break and have posted photographs below of the children's fantastic work.

Learning Logs - Autumn 1

Remembrance Day 2020.


To mark Remembrance Day, the children in Year 5 created their own blacked out poem. We started by reading Flanders Field and then the children were tasked with selecting words and phrases which they thought were the most emotive or important. They then created their own poem by colouring the rest of the poem in black, leaving only their chosen words. They did a fantastic job, as you can see in the photos below. 


They also turned the plastic bottles they had brought into school into poppies, which then were joined together to create a wreath. 


The poems and the poppies are proudly displayed in the corridor leading to the playground.


Well done, Year 5!

Lest We Forget.

Flanders Field.

World Mental Health Day - Friday October 9th.


Today was World Mental Health Day. We spent the afternoon talking about how important it is to have a positive mindset. The children came up with some wonderfully positive statements and discussed what makes them happy. We then performed a yoga exercise, which left us all feeling extremely calm and relaxed.

Eastern European Art - images of Russia.

After learning about Russia's biomes, Year 5 enjoyed drawing a detailed picture of an area of Russia. I think their pictures are wonderful!

Locating Eastern European Countries in an Atlas - 10th September 2020

This afternoon we made a start on our Eastern Europe Geography topic. The children enjoyed using the atlases to locate countries in Eastern Europe and to find out their capital cities. 

Leeds Rhinos PE - Street Dance - 8th September.

Year 5 had two fantastic street dance lessons on Tuesday with Nichola from Leeds Rhinos! I was so impressed with the effort everybody put in and I was amazed by the dancing talent we have in the class! We had some very tired children by the end of the second lesson!

Self-portraits - Thursday 3rd September.

Year 5 have had a fantastic start to the new school year! They have produced some excellent self-portraits using photographs of themselves and watercolours.