0113 293 4477

Tongue Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 4QD


Religious Education

Rationale of Religious Education:

  • The primary purpose of Catholic Religious Education is to come to know and understand God’s revelation which is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. In the person of Christ, the deepest meaning of what it is to be human — that we are created by God and through the Holy Spirit united with Christ in his Incarnation — is discovered. This revelation is known through the scriptures and the tradition of the Church as taught by the Magisterium. Religious Education helps the pupil to know and experience the meaning of this revelation in his or her own life and the life of the community which is the Church.
  • Religious Education is a core subject in the Catholic school.
  • For some in the classroom, Religious Education may well be received as catechesis, deepening and enhancing their personal faith; for some it will be evangelisation, the first time they will have been presented, personally, with the truths of living faith. Nevertheless, its primary purpose is the step by step study of the mystery of Christ, the teaching of the Church and its application in daily life. The criteria by which it is to be judged are educational.
  • Religious Education is planned, taught, assessed and monitored with the same rigour as other core curriculum subjects.

The outcome of Religious Education is religiously literate and engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.


The Aims of Religious Education

 1      To present a comprehensive content which engages pupils and is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;

2       To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;

3      To present an authentic vision of the Church’s moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary culture and society;

4       To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them;

5       To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life;

6       To stimulate pupils’ imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith;

7       To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum;

8       To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture.


R.E Policy

 RE policy - St Urban's.docDownload
 RE policy - St Urban's.pdfDownload
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Collective Worship Policy

 Collective Worship Policy December 2021.pdfDownload
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Here is our long-term plan for RE. We follow the Diocesan recommended ' The Way, The Truth and The Life' scheme as the basis for our RE curriculum.

Click on the links below for materials outlining the learning in each Unit (these links take you to the Diocese of Leeds website).

Autumn Term materials

Spring Term materials

Summer Term materials

 RE Long-Term Plan.docxDownload
 RE Long-Term Plan.pdfDownload
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Here are copies of our recent RE newsletters that we send to families to explain what we will be learning about in RE each half-term.

 2024 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2025 Spring Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2025 Spring Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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 2023 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2023 Autumn Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Spring Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Spring Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Summer Term 1 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 2024 Summer Term 2 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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Year 4 visit to Hindu Mandir in Bradford

In December, Year 4 visited the Hindu Mandir on Leeds Road, Bradford as part of their RE studies about Hinduism. The children were respectful throughout and asked questions showing great interest. As well as finding out more about Hinduism, including about some Hindu deities and some of the symbols, Year 4 had the chance to watch part of a baby's naming ceremony.

Year 6 visit to Leeds Grand Mosque

In November, Year 6 visited Lincoln Green Mosque as part of their RE studies about Islam. They were great ambassadors for our school throughout the whole of the afternoon, showing great respect and interest and asking thoughtful questions. As well as taking part in activities to find out about what is important for Muslims and how they put their faith into practice, the children got to see and hear the call to prayer and then later, to see how Muslims pray together at the mosque. Thank you to the staff who supported on this visit!

Year 3 visit to the Sinai Synagogue

In November, as part of their study of other faiths and World Religions, Year Three visited the Sinai Synagogue in Roundhay. The Sinai Synagogue belongs to the Movement for Reform Judaism, which is an egalitarian movement. This means that they have an uncompromising commitment to gender equality and inclusion. The girls become Bat Mitzvah at thirteen, just as the boys become Bar Mitzvah at thirteen; they have women Rabbis, not just men; and anyone over the age of thirteen is able to lead a service and read from the Sefer Torah. The children learnt about the synagogue, Jews, services and important Jewish festivals. They had the opportunity to take a close look at a Torah scroll and were, as ever, respectful and enjoyed learning about Judaism.