The important thing in Science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them. (William Lawrence Bragg)
Our Vision for Science
Our fundamental intent in Science is that through its teaching, it will stimulate a child’s curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do. Science teaches methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative thought. Children learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way in which science will affect the future on a personal, national, and global level.
Wherever possible, we involve the pupils in real scientific activities, for example, investigating a local environmental problem, or carrying out a practical experiment and analysing the results.
Science Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Weaving Scientific Knowledge and Skills into the new National Curriculum
- BBC Bitesize Science Weekly lesson plans for year groups.
- STEM Science Ideas for both teachers and parents for teaching the science curriculum
- Oak National Academy Online Science lessons
Year 4 helped Mr. Stockdale harvest some peas from the garden, then decided to germinate some in a glass jar with damp paper. How amazing to see the root and shoot growing so clearly.
What would happen if the jar was placed in a dark cupboard?
We are very grateful for the support given by Mrs Whitelaw from Cardinal Heenan to our primary science curriculum; she has been a regular visitor to Science lessons in our school, helping and encouraging scientific enquiry and thinking.
Practical Science in action
Did you know that you can use fruit and vegetables to make a battery?
Just one of the interesting things Year 4 learned when Mr. Jamieson came into class and talked about his work for the National Grid.
As you can see, we have some great scientists in school.
Here are some comments about learning in Science.
"I like Science because you get to find stuff out." (Jacob)
"I knew I would do lots of Science at this school." (Anna)
"I like Science because you get to do experiments." (Connor)
" I like learning lots of stuff and helping the world." (Jaxon)
" I like doing experiments." (Annie)
"I love everything about Science." (Mikhail)
Science displays